On the premise that regattas generate a greater interest in sailing among sailors and non-sailors, improve sailing skills, and provide a continuing supply of new sailors who are more likely to remain sailors throughout their lives because of the regatta experience; it will be the policy of the GLYC to encourage holding regattas on Green Lake in accordance with the following rules:
The club will sponsor a maximum of one regatta per season, which needs financial aid and/or is scheduled in place of regular weekend races. Any additional regattas may be approved by the Board of Directors but they cannot be scheduled during regular club races. Each year the board will consider any requests to hold such a regatta on Green Lake under the following conditions:
A fleet may ask the GLYC to sponsor a regatta during a year in which it is not that fleet’s turn to hold a regatta. In such a case, the GLYC Board may extend a cordial invitation to that fleet to hold a special regatta under the following conditions: