- All boats will race under the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021–2024.
- There must be at least two starters (who are members in good standing and who have paid their racing fees) to have an official club race in any class. A yacht which sails about in the vicinity of
the starting line between her preparatory and starting signals shall rank as a starter.
- During all races, when two or more boats of different classes come within risk of collision, all shall observe the rules of United States Sailing Association.
- After a yacht has finished, she shall keep clear of the finish line and all other boats that are still racing.
- To avoid interference with the start of a subsequent race, any boat starting more than five minutes after the start of her class may be required by the race judge to start outside of the starting
line in the leeward end.
- Rule 30.1 (US Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing) will be in effect.
- No races will be sailed when the wind is more than a consistent 20 mph.
- A boat that starts more than 10 minutes after the start of the last fleet will be scored DNS. A three race series will be counted as total point series to determine trophy winners.
- Postponed trophy races will be sailed on the first open day. Cancelled Race Weekend Trophy races will not be rescheduled.
- A complete set of sailing instructions will be available at the Skippers Meeting in June.
When several classes of boats sail together in a handicap race, the rules of the United States Sailing Association will apply, with the exception that use of a spinnaker is permitted, and, within
the last 200 yards of the race, a large boat may pass a small boat to windward only if it does not cross a line to windward of a straight line between buoys establishing course for that leg.
- Each scheduled racing date will consist of the sailing of two or more races back-to-back. Number and length of races may be adjusted at the request of the fleet captain.
- Two minutes prior to the start of the starting sequence of the first race, there will be three short horn sounds to alert the sailors.
- The starting sequence will be a five-minute sequence, as described in Rule 26 of the Racing Rules of Sailing
- Starting times of the first race will follow the fleet schedule. Adjustments to start time may be requested by the fleet captain.
- Weather permitting, the second race will start as soon as is reasonable after the finish of the first race.
- The decision to postpone or cancel a race is at the discretion of the Principal Race Officer (PRO).
- The racecourse will be announced prior to the start of each race.
- All races will start at the leeward mark and the first leg will be to windward.
- Any postponement and/or abandonment will be signaled by flying the appropriate signal flag.